A black and white headshot of a person with very short hair in front of a rendered brick wall.

Registrations / Affiliations

Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Registered Landscape Architect #006207

International Federation of Landscape Architects Asia-Pacific (IFLA-APR) Accredited Landscape Architect #1197655


Bachelor of Design, Majoring in Environmental & Spatial Design, Graphic & Digital Media Design, University of New South Wales 2007

Jack Qian

Associate Director

Jack is an internationally recognised landscape architect and urban designer, known for pushing creative boundaries and delivering successful place-driven outcomes.

Jack's portfolio spans masterplanning, public domain, civic and cultural mixed-use precincts, sport and recreation, and residential. His diverse skill set has equipped him to lead multi-disciplinary design practices in both Australia and China. He has successfully delivered a range of award-winning, city-shaping projects globally. Think large-scale urban renewal and environmental regeneration projects that celebrate and enhance communities, cultures and ecologies.

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