Landscape Performance: An Emerging Field

06 Feb 2025

Oceania-based journal Landscape Review has published a bumper new issue ‘Landscape Performance: An Emerging Field’ and it is free to read and download online.

The issue is devoted to the topic of landscape performance, with a special focus on the connection between academia and practice.

OCULUS Associate Director Claire Martin, Bridget Keane, and Peter Grant, contributed an article reflecting on their experience participating in the Landscape Architecture Foundation Case Study Investigation program. The authors provide a multi-perspective, structured reflection on the collaborative Bendigo Hospital Case Study completed as part of the program in 2022.

Assessing landscape performance can help make the case for sustainable landscape solutions. The Landscape Architecture Foundation provides an online set of resources, The Landscape Performance Series, to assist designers, agencies, and advocates to evaluate performance and show values.

A double page spread of a journal arcticle

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